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Power of Being Told You Can't: An Inner Transformation Catalyst

Writer's picture: elbyelby

Updated: Nov 4, 2023

I have grown in this area of my life so looking forward to sharing this, because I love being told you can't. Its self-empowering if you let it be like water off a duck's back, and have the belief in a different outcome.

"You can't," a saying repeated throughout history. It's sometimes a whisper, sometimes a yell. It might be a partner, friends or other acquaintances. But, regardless of the source, the message is the same: a test of our talents, aspirations, and self-worth.

Stay focused on your prize
Stay focused on 'your' prize

While these statements may appear restrictive, they may be an excellent motivation for progress. Not to disprove the naysayers but to demonstrate to ourselves that we can.

Power of Being Told You Can't Adds Fuel to the Inner Fire

Contrary to popular belief, hardship, uncertainty, and scepticism are not the antagonists in our tale. They might be unheralded heroes who push us over the limits we set for ourselves. When someone tells you you can't, it ignites a spark, motivating you to rise, strive, and succeed. It is not about receiving external affirmation or proving the doubters incorrect.

It's all about internal commitment - that pure, unbreakable sensation you receive when you overcome your anxieties and restrictions.

There's something rewarding about embarking on a journey motivated not by vanity or pride but by a desire for personal grow and realise our full potential. The phrase "you can't" threatens our sense of self. The path, therefore, becomes less concerned with what the rest of the world believes and more concerned with you can make possible.

Power of Being Told You Can't Builds Integrity and the Silent Power of Action

While our initial instinct may be to retaliate vocally, to protect our honour and demonstrate our determination, there is a more powerful answer - silence combined with intentional action. After all, words are cheap. Our deeds speak louder than words.

We are not submitting to defeat or conceding agreement with the sceptics by remaining mute. Instead, we're concentrating our efforts on what matters: our journey, progress, and evolution.

This is not a passive quiet; it is profound. It contains a promise - not to them, but to ourselves.

A vow to show up day after day, be devoted to our aims and aspirations, and always behave with integrity.

Power of Being Told You Can't Should Create Strength Through Humility

It is also critical to be modest during this trip. When we tackle obstacles with humility, we recognise that we are lifelong students, continuously learning and improving. With this approach, every setback becomes a learning experience, and every struggle a teaching opportunity.

Furthermore, humility protects us against the trappings of hubris. While there is an unmistakable delight in doing something we were told we couldn't, humility reminds us that the path was never intended to be about gloating or superiority. It was about change, about realising our actual powers and potential.

Power of Being Told You Can't Must Create Ripple Effect of Transformation

Our acts have an impact when we endure silently, guided by a higher purpose and armed with humility. People around us begin to take notice. Not simply the accomplishment but also the character, resilience, and grace with which we navigate our path.

Such behaviour does not only inspire others. It fosters a culture of opportunity. It provides an intense tale in which difficulties are accepted, and constant action rather than loud assertions realise potential.

Final Thoughts

Anyone who has been told, "You can't," should accept it as an invitation.

Not to prove them incorrect but to go on a self-discovery adventure. Examine your skills, work on your deficiencies, and, most importantly, believe in your value.

When the world watches you climb, not arrogantly, but with unshakable determination and humility, it sees more than simply an accomplishment. It perceives a light, a symbol of the human spirit and promise.

So, the next time someone tells you, "You can't," smile, nod, and privately vow yourself, "I will." And let your actions reveal your incredible story.

living inspired

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