Prioritising our health becomes essential and desirable as we approach our 40s and beyond. With so much conflicting health information and rubbish, it's easy to get confused or caught up in the latest social media fads. Here are seven healthy hack strategies to bring focus and dedicate yourself to living a vibrant, youthful existence.

Prioritise Restorative Sleep
We hear this often, and quality sleep is essential for overall health, particularly as we age. Many people struggle to sleep or get a healthy sleep routine. We know it results in weight gain, reduced immunity, and an increased risk of chronic diseases. Create a bedtime routine to unwind, free of coffee and devices (blue screens). Make your sleeping area your self-help and focused sanctuary: calm, dark, and quiet. I have a soft fan each night; I'm not sure if it's the breeze, temperature or the white noise, but it helps me all year around regardless of whether it's winter.
Promote Consistent Activity
Physical vigour is essential for ageing bodies. Regular exercise strengthens muscles, increases bone density, and keeps your heart healthy, controlling illnesses such as arthritis and diabetes. Begin with a target of 30 minutes of moderate activity each day. If you're starting, steadily increase your exercise level to improve endurance and strength.
Walking is the most simple and effective way to do this. I'm active, but walking is still so effective for managing weight and good mental health. Remember this, use it or lose, consistent activity is so important.
Check out our post:
Nourish your Body
We all know nutrition becomes more important as we age. So, I won't recommend a diet or fad; instead, I'll state the obvious:
Do - eat a balanced diet that includes whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and healthy fats
Don't - eat processed foods, and reduce your sugar, salt, and saturated fat intake.
When reading or seeing new trends, especially most of the garbage on social media, seek advice. Despite the plethora of diet experts (many self-proclaimed), we live in an obese society; something is messed up.
Maintain Proper Hydration
Hydration is often overlooked, including by myself. My children's activities always remind me to drink more water. Yes, I'm guilty. Our bodies require water for nearly every function. We know that dehydration can lead to complications, including kidney issues and cognitive deterioration. What is cognitive deterioration? The slow decline of our memory, decision-making capabilities, and reasoning abilities is frequently related to aging or neurological challenges. Aim for at least eight glasses of water every day.
Master Stress Management
Life's challenges are guaranteed but controllable. With so much research pointing towards stress contributing to consequences for both mental and physical health. Create a toolkit of healthy stress-relieving activities, such as meditation, yoga (my favourite), or just getting outside and walking in nature. Identify the main pressures in your life and find ways to lessen the impact. You can try these articles for tips to help you;
Foster Social Connections
We are designed as social creatures, and maintaining social connections is important for our mental health. It can help us feel socially connected and prevent loneliness. Maintain frequent contact with friends and family or participate in volunteering or other social groups. Try to connect and find people with like-minded interests. These relationships improve your emotional well-being while keeping your thinking sharp.
Keep up with Health Screenings
With age, the chance of various health complications increases. Regular screening is essential for early identification and treatment. Consult your healthcare physician to identify the best screenings for your age and health situation.
Healthy Hacks: Integrating Into Every Day
Adopting these eight tactics is more than just adding years to your life; it is also about adding life to those years. Implement these tricks into your everyday routine to stay healthy, flourish, and feel perpetually youthful, regardless of your age. Live each moment with vigour and enthusiasm!