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Do It: Burn the Boats, And Do Not Retreat From Your 'Must' Do

Writer's picture: elbyelby

You're standing on the verge of greatness, peering over an ocean of possibility, yet you're tethered to the beach by a slew of safety ropes and comfort zones. It is time to burn those vessels. Today, we're not just talking about desiring success but about a burning desire for it.

Burn the boats
Burn the boats

The expression "burn the boats" refers to a historical military strategy in which commanders would order their soldiers to destroy their boats after landing on enemy lands, removing the prospect of retreating.

This dramatic measure represented a complete commitment to success, since it left the soldiers with little choice except to march on and conquer or face inevitable defeat. In modern times, the phrase "burn the boats" is used symbolically to represent an attitude of unshakable devotion and resolve to achieve a goal. It entails fully committing to a course of action, eliminating any escape routes or excuses, and assuring absolute attention and effort in the pursuit of accomplishment.

This statement captures the concept that genuine accomplishment necessitates not only the will to succeed, but also the determination to face problems without the safety net of a backup plan.

Illusion of Safety Ropes

In our daily lives, we frequently retain a backup plan, a 'just in case' scenario that protects us. But what if I told you that these safety ropes prevent you from realising your full potential? The notion is simple but profound: if you want to seize the island, you must set fire to the boats. This ancient technique, a tribute to dedication and tenacity, is the first step towards unwavering success.

The safety ropes you clutch to are nothing more than illusions of comfort that feed your anxieties and concerns. They whisper in your ear, "It's okay to settle," "There is always tomorrow" or "It's not the right time." But they are simply excuses disguised as sensible views. What's the truth? They impede you from realising your greatest potential.

Moving From 'Want' to 'Must'

Many live in a world of ' shoulds' and 'wants.' "I should work out more," "I want to start a business," "I would like to travel the world." These comments are passive, with little urgency or conviction. They do not move you ahead but keep you stuck in wishful thinking.

The transition from 'desire' to ' must' is crucial. It's the difference between fantasising about a result and being determined to get it. When something becomes a'must,' it moves beyond desire to become a need. It's no longer an option; it's a question of survival. Your focus turns from making excuses to seeking answers. Obstacles become challenges to conquer rather than obstacles to be avoided.

This is the attitude of champions—those who accomplish greatness. They don't only desire success; they consider it as necessary as the oxygen they breathe. They do not wait for chances; they create them. They don't wait for the ideal moment; they grasp every opportunity to make it perfect.

Do It: Embracing the Uncomfortable

Actual growth occurs on the verge of discomfort. It's easy to stick to your comfort zone, where everything is comfortable and expected. But grandeur does not exist there. Greatness is found in the unknown, difficulties that fear you, and dangers that appear insurmountable.

You must accept discomfort. Accept it as an old friend, understanding that every difficult scenario allows you to grow, extend your limitations, and move closer to your ultimate goals. Every time you go outside of your comfort zone, you evoke resilience, strength, and character. You are showing yourself that you can handle more than you thought possible.

It is time to quit making the bullshit excuses. Stop being a feather in the wind. Excuses are the language of failure. As I've said before; 'excuses are the nails that build failure'. They are the reasons we give ourselves to avoid confronting our concerns and asserting our authority. Every time you make an excuse, you give up your power, potential, and opportunity to live a life of excellence.

Recognise that excuses are nothing but self-imposed restrictions. Break free of them. Challenge yourself to face your anxieties and accomplish things you believe you can't do. When faced with the impossible, you realise your actual power.

Call to Action: Burn your boats.

Now it's your turn. What are your boats? What are your safety ropes, excuses, and comfort zones? Identify and acknowledge them before setting them on fire. Then your ability to retreat is removed.

Make this pact with yourself right now.

You will not tolerate mediocrity in your life. Decide that you will not be a prisoner to your anxieties any longer. Make a declaration that from this point, you will pursue your goals with the robustness of someone who has no choice but to make it happen.

Burn your boats. Embrace the discomfort. Switch from a desire to a must-do. Stop creating excuses and begin making progress. The route to greatness is not simple, but it is straightforward. It is a journey of unshakable dedication, unrelenting perseverance, and unbreakable resolve.

The question is, are you prepared to walk it? Are you ready to destroy your boats and claim the island awaiting you?

The option is yours. Make it count.

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